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From Aloe Plus Lanzarote S.L. we contribute to the improvement of the economic, social and cultural conditions of the people and the less favored sectors of society.

Humanitarian organizations of international character, such as UNICEF and Doctors Without Bordershave benefited from our aid and collaboration. These entities receive annually our solidarity in the form of financial aid for the realization of their goals in different parts of the Planet.

unicef, medicos sin fronteras

Likewise, the generosity of Aloe Plus Lanzarote has also become evident when it has been necessary to alleviate natural damages, such as those caused by the earthquakes that hit Haití in 2010, Philippines in 2013, Nepal in 2015 y Ecuador in 2016.

Our responsibility to our nearest part of society is also recognizable in the innumerable aid that we give to associations of various kinds (NGOs, cultural and social associations, sports clubs, etc.) on a regular and continuous basis so that they can carry out their own actions.

In short, from this company we want to make Will Smith's quote ours:

'If you're not making someone else's life better, then you're wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.'

Will Smith



cultivo ecologico




Empresas sin fronteras Empresa comprometida


AECOC Calidad tuística IASCI ISO9001 Premio PYME 2023
Empresa beneficiaria de una subvención FEDER-REACT UE, destinada a la reactivación económica de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en Canarias como parte de la respuesta de la Unión Europea a la pandemia covid-19, destinada a mejorar la productividad y la competitividad.